Whilst off sick, I have been doing a lot of looking at birds and a lot of reading of detective novels. The sun-porch is a brilliant place to sit and survey the world and do nothing in particular. Best treats of the week have been the surprisingly brilliantly-coloured siskins and the dazzling yellowhammer sighted on Saturday.
I've nearly finished all the Ian Rankin Rebus series, and am about to try Quintin Jardine for size. Recommended by No 2 son, and six paperbacks on loan. I wonder if it will affect the preaching? More than likely, once I am back at work I will be more like the recent survey which states that clergy are among those who read fiction least. I like to claim it is because ministers like reading the bible and theology, but I suspect we are all a bit driven.
In truth, I love to read and the more variety the better. Someone lent me Brick Lane by Monica Ali – a wonderful glimpse into the Bangledeshi community in East London. The trouble is I keep reading great books and wish I could write them instead.
Ah well…..one year…..