We now have Sky TV back online again. It is good to feel in touch with the world again. Of course by the time the engineers had installed everything the Pope's funeral was over. I had to make do with watching the edited report later in the day. It has certainly been a powerful event, but I keep thinking about the frailty of the man in his latter years and his knowledge that yesterday's spectacle would eventually happen.
It is all rather humbling, and makes me wonder about my own faith. Would it hold up under public scrutiny and private pain? As a parish minister, this was what life was like in a very small way….. as a retired minister there is always the responsibility to put the Kingdom of God first, and it means finding new ways to live that out. I guess that blogging is a way of “going public” and bloggers put their thoughts and feelings out for public display.
Yep ! you put your thoughts and feelings out for public display. With regard to the passing of the Pope , be assured a female with a calling for the parish ministry would have been dismissed completely along with the very idea.
I have had to learn to deal with prejudice even within our own church towards female ministers. But I well remember a conference I attended on Iona with equal numbers of Church of Scotland and Roman Catholic ordinands. It was pretty horrendous for all the Presbyterians to discover that the Catholics did not concern themselves over females in amongst the non-conformist clergy, but only because they did not recognise the orders of any other church but themselves. And that was not all that long ago. Times are definitely changing, despite the late Pope.