
To Oban last night to meet the Moderator of the Church of Scotland. David Lacy is an old friend. He was resplendent – if a trifle hot – in his frilly garb. David likes to stick with tradition. He was at his best in an informal setting, meeting lots of local people and being interviewed by two children about his work and background. When asked how he got his present job he replied, “Hard Graft!” You had to see the look o­n his face to appreciate the joke.

I enjoyed meeting lots of old friends and was pleased that our small congregations o­n the edge of things was so well represented. (Five of us there.)

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3 Responses to Moderator

  1. Anonymous says:

    The new moderator has used the two most prominent interviews that he has given so far to attack gay people in Scotland.

    It does seem particularly noteworthy that he then chooses to appear in public dripping in lace.

  2. Eleanor Hamilton says:

    I’ve just read this and I have to disagree with “anonymous”. The Moderator has been misreported on more than one occasion in the press. I can assure you that, as a member of his congregation for 14 years, he has never once in private or in public, uttered a single homophobic syllable.

  3. It is good to hear that Mr Lacy has not been uttering homophobic syllables.

    Would the following be a misquotation, or is it supposed to be supportive of gay people in ministry?

    “I know homosexuals who would be fantastic ministers and in no way would their sexuality interfere with that. One side of me says, ‘Of course God can use them as ministers’.

    “But the other side of me says we have severe problems because the Bible in many places is overtly against this. There is something in the back of me saying if God at one time said no to homosexuals then the church at the moment, despite much prayerfulness, cannot be definitive about what He thinks now.”,,2090-1337740,00.html

    With regard to gay parenting, was he misquoted in the Sunday Herald when he said: “I don’t know whether God would bless homosexuals adopting children. But I know he blesses children in heterosexual marriages.”

    It is hard to see how this kind of thing helps gay people in society. It is easy to see how this can contribute to children with gay parents being bullied.

    Did he not say this at all?

    He is a little tardy in asking for a public correction if not.

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