It's all very well fondly thinking about winter hobbies….. but I keep losing various important bits of information. Some of it, I suspect, has never been recovered since the removal at the beginning of April. Never mind, having to hunt through cupboards and the garage is all good exercise. I have been enjoying dipping into May Sarton's journals again. Makes me feel that I am at last living an individuated life. Why does it take so long though? Here I am at sixty-one with an awareness that I would like to have had at thirty-one, (or even forty-one.) it is something that cannot be passed onto another, each human being has to learn for themselves and some of us take longer than others.
Jung describes individuation as the process of self-awareness that takes place in the second half of life. (See Anyway, as I am such a late starter, maybe that means I am going to live long. (And prosper…..)