I came across a little book I had forgotten about on my bookshelf. It is called Stations – places for pilgrims to pray, by Simon Bailey, an Anglican Priest. It shows how to bring prayer into the everyday places that we inhabit. For today, because I have been inhabiting the local health centre a bit this week, this one struck me as very pertinent.
at the local place for health services
the people -carers and cared for,the variety of ailments,the mothers, the dependents, the old….
of all the physically and ill peoplein your community;those frightened of the health system -the waiting, the drugs, the pain.
Where are your own wounds?
Living God,living and strong,loving and gentle,pour mercy upon us.
Think about these words:
“But to our wounds God's wounds alone can speak,And not a God has wounds, but Thou alone.” (Edward Shillito)Give thanksfor the measure of health you have.
for the sick and the dying.