Letting Misty out at night has become fraught with difficulties. The back door is currently out of action, so she has to go out the front which necessitates a nifty piece of ballet (from me not her) to get the security light to come on. Then we have to check whether or not Miss Toad is lurking. If she is, there is a lot of shouting from me, and admirable self-control from Miss doggin. I would like to take a photograph, but as it is usually dark it is probable that it would not be a success.
Also, what is the guarantee that the toad would not be in Misty’s grasp before I got back. There has been enough nasty footage in the media this week, what with the pelican and the pigeon in St James’s park.
It is not entirely clear. Are you worried about the doggin swallowing Miss Toad, or Miss Toad gobbling up the doggin?
I am worried about the gobbler throwing up on my bed.