Monthly Archives: September 2007


Due to a series of Sunday commitments I have not been able to attend our local church. Funny how guilty that can make me feel. I think it comes about because we are now two years into a vacancy situation. … Continue reading

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Misty Marshall – the cute cairn of Dalamory is getting clipped again next week. This is to try and keep her tidy till the spring. The trouble is that we are having hard frosts at night now, and even in … Continue reading

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Friday morning

Friday morning bright and clear. Plumbers, joiners all are here…. Oh what joy!

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Yesterday dawned frosty, bright and sunny. The builders had not arrived to finish the roof by nine o’clock so Him Behind the Wheel was deputed to ring round to see what had happened, though the worst was feared. Yes – … Continue reading

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Burma and the cyber-revolution

It seems as if I have been holding my breath over the last few days, waiting to see what will happen in Burma. But then probably much of the world is too. We only know the breadth of the protests … Continue reading

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The joiner and the plumber

Tomorrow, tomorrow, they’re coming tomorrow It’s only a day away. If it doesn’t rain of course.

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Faithful and True

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Back in time

It was rather like going back in time yesterday as I watched the Linlithgow 10k and Fun Runs. Son #1 was always very keen (and very good) at distance running and on occasion Him Behind the Wheel and/or I would give … Continue reading

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May your soul dance through the day. May your spirit lift with hope. May your mind quicken at learning something new. May you make the most of each moment.

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Enjoying the moment

The lesson for this week has been about making sure we enjoy the moment. Life past and life future may be important motivating influences, but all we can really be sure of is the moment. So today is about enjoying … Continue reading

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