Monthly Archives: September 2007

Interesting fact

Did you know that have 3,036 pairs of gold earings for sale? What a lot of happy browsing!

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An eye for an eye

Something worth thinking about today: An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Mahatma Gandhi

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How to have a picnic

There is a trick to having a day out in Argyll in 2007. Firstly, assume that it will rain and that if it is already raining when you set out then it will get heavier as the day goes on. … Continue reading

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No I don’t want to join a bookclub

I am enjoying Virginia Ironside’s wry look at life in No I don’t want to join a bookclub. The following quote really made me laugh. The five ages of man………..  (the text makes it clear it is specifically man rather … Continue reading

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Lunch break

Yesterday I had my picnic lunch overlooking the Sound of Iona. Despite the driving rain and grey mist I realised that God is very much in the place …….. almost as if the very sands and stones resound with the … Continue reading

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Island wedding

An early start today – I am off the Isle of Mull to do a wedding at Creich Church. It is an idyllic spot, well worth clicking on the link for a look. When I was working in the parish, … Continue reading

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In the flesh as it were

Here it is – especially for Son #2

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Collect a car day

Going to the hinterland of the big city to collect a car today. At first sight I nearly baulked at the colour. As it had been specially brought up from the deep south, the salesman looked rather worried at my … Continue reading

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Printers and gremlins

Technology and I have never been great friends. Or rather we are friends when everything works fine. This week I have been trying to print out wedding liturgy on filefax paper. My oldest printer refused to accept the small size … Continue reading

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Disappointing read and good read

Being a fan of May Sarton’s journals, I was looking forward to reading another of her novels – The Magnificent Spinster. Big disappointment; it has not aged well and I saw little point to it. Strange to discover that an … Continue reading

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