Bad timing

Well the anti-flu vaccination symptoms have turned into a real cold and sore throat, and I am reliably informed from the net that this must have been a pre-existing virus. Sounds fishy to me, but there you are. Anyway, it is all rather bad timing as I am supposed to be helping to animal sit at Son #2’s place. 18 poultry (hens, ducks and a turkey); five cats (four sort of wild); 3 dogs (plus our own dog); and 2 horses. There is a routine of morning and evening feeds and checks to do, and so far all I have managed is to wander around sniffing kind of hopelessly. Him Behind the Wheel is being very much in charge and has even taken the ducks to water. Correction – he has taken water to the ducks.

Misty is enjoying being one of the gang, though she is a little bit wary of the horses, and we are having to shout at her anytime she goes near you-know-what!

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