The weather yesterday brought to mind the horizontal rain of the Western Isles. I never did get used to being blown sideways and battered with hail at the same time. The river has burst its banks and the ground is either under water or turned into mush. A visit to Inveraray was meant to be to walk the dog in the shelter of the trees. There was very little shelter. There was very little pier either – the sea was within inches of the top of it. I heard one person in the shop comment that the policeman was very worried as it was still twenty minutes to high tide, and he was keeping an eye on it. I left, wondering what he was thinking of doing! I guess we are lucky not to be in the floodplains of the north of England. Quite frightening, these extremes of weather.
The life and thoughts of Freda Marshall, a retired Church of Scotland minister living amongst the mountains and glens of Argyll.Pages