The life and thoughts of Freda Marshall, a retired Church of Scotland minister living amongst the mountains and glens of Argyll.Pages
Monthly Archives: January 2008
The moral maze
It is one of life’s greatest pleasures to sit and watch birds at the garden feeders. A whole host of small birds visit daily and it is wonderful to see the occasional rarer visitor like the spotted woodpecker. However, we … Continue reading
Have enjoyed a very quiet slobby-out weekend. Much needed. The Chrismas decorations are down and packed away for next time. It is less than a year away, and comes round very quickly! That is something everyone notices as time goes … Continue reading
Epiphany: is it about showing God’s gift of love to humankind? Or is it about realising God’s gift of loving me? Both. And all the more of an epiphany because of that.
You have to watch this clip through the cringe-making, right to the end. Could solve the problem of not enough priests though! [youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgmQM9cDPHk]
This week
This week has been rather strange. On Tuesday I thought it was Wednesday, on Wednesday I thought it was Thursday, On Thursday I thought it was Friday and now it feels like the weekend. Things will get better now that … Continue reading
Took a trip over the hills to Inveraray yesterday – for lunch and a mooch about. It seems that many others had the same idea, so the atmosphere was quite festive. Not exactly the rush and bustle of Argyle Street … Continue reading
A typical New Year’s Day
Indeed it was a typical New Year’s Day. Plenty of good food, a modicum of exercise, ( including Misty being mobbed by five large dogs during the walk,) a surfeit of chocolate and overdosing on festive TV. It must be … Continue reading
The New Year
Many were the traditions in the days of my youth! The best of them being me as a ten-year old banging the front door letter-box in time with the ships hooting on the River Thames at Greenwich. Well……maybe not the … Continue reading