I am quite sure that the Archbishop is surpised at all the reactions to his comments on UK Law and Sharia Law. But I wonder if other women in this country also feel demeaned by his suggestions?
The life and thoughts of Freda Marshall, a retired Church of Scotland minister living amongst the mountains and glens of Argyll.Pages
Send Williams to Saudi Arabia and leave him in the desert to contemplate what an idiot he is.
This is a fine example of hysteria that media has spread about islam & muslims. As soon as someone mentioned sharia, people wihtout thinking, posted hate remarks.
As of people who are gonna lash out at me. Read this first: In most of the muslim countries there are two laws, one for muslims other for non-muslims so the non-muslims don’t have to follow the muslim law and they get access to alcohol etc. When the western countries talk about integration why can’t they accept some of the sharia laws that protect Individual rights according to western standards but also have provisions for muslims???
Try living in one of these muslim countries and you will come to realize that that is not the case. Muslims expect other minorities to tow the line and be subject to their laws. What happens if you get married to a Muslim? Do you know the repercussions? Malaysia is one glaring example.
I’ve read what he said and I’m amazed that he’s surprised that there’s a slight rammy going on regarding his comments,did he think Middle England was just going to munch on their cornflakes and nod approval and then turn the page of the Daily Mail I doubt that he will make any comments in future without more thought.(we can but hope)
one of the clergy at my church was actually there at the event and she says that he was taken out of context.