Ensuring that Misty does not go rushing out into the garden barking furiously has become quite a pantomime. It involves much soft-spoken entreaties of “Quietly” and “Gently” and stroking of raised hackles. It is becoming reasonably successful, but it takes a while. However, there is a new performance art which we cannot help but encourage. Have you ever seen a determined little cairn jumping up and down – with four straight legs, raised hair everywhere and high-decibel barking? It happens when we replay the “New Tricks” programmes on TV. She takes great exception to the signature tune. My belief is that once upon a time the tune coincided with the little dog going outside and finding a gaggle of large deer in the garden.
Perhaps you wouldn’t like it anyway, but before we put an end to it I must video it and try to put it on youtube. Meantime here is the said tune.
Tried spotify yet???
Without much success I’m afraid – will try again soon!