Have been going back to the familiar topic of counting blessings. It seems that when I stop and take the time, usually last thing at night, special moments come into focus. Yesterday’s were: swifts flying high on the wing – whirling and screaming in a blue blaze of sunshine; the dog enjoying her meal outside while we had a barbecue; constant warmth without the need for central heating; and the taste of that first cup of tea in the morning……
Four blessings – and I know there were many more – but even trying to find a few in each day does something to adjust our mindset onto a more positive frame of reference. It’s too easy to be overwhelmed by all sorts of worries and strains; thinking about little blessings can become a larger blessing in itself.
Have a hopeful and blessed Pentecost Sunday.
A VERY healthy exercise just before falling asleep!
I am all for this approach and a great believer in positive thinking. This is not just because I have had, or currently have, a trouble free life! I do think that being alive to all the things that are good or beautiful in the world enhances the quality of our lives. I think many people are negative or worry as an insurance, that if things go wrong they won’t feel so let down. Does negativity work to protect us this way – no!
I also think counting blessings is a type of prayer, we are told to rejoice always and to give praise in all circumstances. It is one of those things that sounds deceptively easy, until you try it in hard circumstances!I get times I find it really hard to be positive, but being prepared to try is half the battle!
Tabor, I absolutely agree. It’s amazing how it settles the mind.
Suem, you’re right, it is a type of prayer. At one stage in my life I used to visit a Jesuit spiritual director. His take on things was that in those special moments we are closest to God, and I think there is a lot in that.
That fist sip of tea is one of the world’s great wonders — so long as I remember not to eat anything first.
Your blessings post is so on target. There are so many “small” blessings, but without consciously choosing to be aware of them — as in counting — we are likely to miss them. Recognition and appreciation of small blessings contributes to contentment.
Absolutely, about the first sip of tea, Kimberly. And as for small blessings Ic, yesterday’s was the dentist saying “See you in 6 months”