Unfortunately I have been unable to drive for the last six months because of health problems. However, the day has at last arrived (along with the Certificate of Insurance to prove it,) when I can get behind the wheel again. Typical of me, I can’t help thinking about people who are unable to drive ever again, perhaps because of illness or age or disability, and that brings me on to issues that have been going round in my head.
At university in our Pastoral Care lectures, much was made of the fact that throughout our lives we suffer losses; starting from birth itself, leaving the comfort of the dark, mysterious world of the womb. I always found it difficult to give due weight to the theory that these losses would somehow help to prepare us for the bad losses that inevitably occur throughout life. But as the years go by have been more aware of that truth.
Death of someone close to us is obviously a biggie, as is losing health or losing sight, hearing or even mind. Ultimately we have to let go of this world, and it is true to say that we can only live well, when we have accepted this fact. Knowing our own mortality and weaknesses helps us to have more compassion for others. Understanding that life is a gift and can end at any time, helps us to make the most of each day.
Today, then, is a loss and a gain. It is the loss of not being able to drive. And it is the gain of being able to drive. I’d be interested in hearing other people’s losses and gains this week. But….enough philosophising; time to practice getting the car in and out of the driveway.
Great to learn that you can drive again! My week was all gain – because I gained another grandchild. Deo gratias.
My gain this week was finding the generosity of complete strangers. I was one of those dreaded people (a loss) who hold a collecting can at the entrance to a supermarket. This was for the SSPCA. For one hour I was at the receiving end of smiles, donations, chance conversations and confidences. During this period only one person was not a complete stranger to me. As I live in a small town I will no doubt bump into these people again and will be the richer for their smiles. Oh, and the animal charity will also be the richer for their donations freely given.
That is a wonderful and ongoing gain, Mina. Lots of smiles to you.
Wonderful news, Chris, a gain beyond words.
I gained renewed appreciation for retirement! This week I worked in the kindergarten at my old school as a supply teacher. It was so chaotic and hectic. I did enjoy the kids and the pay cheque will be nice but I am happy and so grateful that I don’t have to do it all the time now. Life fills up no matter what you do but I do love the pace of my current life.
That’s a wonderful gain, Sheila. Keep enjoying retirement!
What a lovely and thoughtful post.
As for being able to drive again – enjoy!
A timely reminder in fact to enjoy everything that we still have and hold.
Haven’t started yet – I need to be in the right frame of mind. Watch this space, it’s coming soon!