The life and thoughts of Freda Marshall, a retired Church of Scotland minister living amongst the mountains and glens of Argyll.Pages
Monthly Archives: May 2010
Hotch Potch
A week ago today I was talking about A New Start in blogland. I asked for comments about what people thought of the blog and what they would like to see on the blog. The answers were varied and interesting. … Continue reading
Posted in Blog
Tagged ageing, blogging, Medical matters, ministry, Misty, spirituality, Weight Control
Falling Angels
Have just finished reading Falling Angels by Tracy Chevalier. I can’t remember whether I found it whilst browsing somewhere or read a review online, either way, I am delighted that the book found its way into my “to read” shelf. … Continue reading
Posted in Book Reviews
Tagged Falling Angels, Historical novel, Suffragettes, Tracy Chevalier
VE Day
Yesterday was VE Day. I was 15 months old at the time. The funny thing is that somehow it has affected who I am today. In fact if you take a long hard look, it has affected all of us. … Continue reading
Just back from voting. That meant a pleasant meander, through the village to the local school. Funny how you can walk a route frequently with the dog, but when it is to vote it all takes on a different meaning. … Continue reading
This is not a new idea, but this website gives a snapshot of what I’m blogging about. It will be interesting to do another one in a few months’ time and see whether there will be any change.
A new start
Apparently there is plenty of information “out there” or in hard copy about how to blog. Thus far, ie since November 2003, I have not really researched the subject. Perhaps now is the time to take things more seriously. After … Continue reading
Bird Life
Cuckoo heard on 1st May, sand martins spotted on 3rd May. Where are the swallows?
Bright hope for tomorrow
The primulas are blooming despite the temperature being only 5C