Monthly Archives: September 2010

Henri JM Nouwen

My favourite kind of bedtime reading is any journal or diary. They are usually easy to pick up and put down. The Road to Daybreak by Henri JM Nouwen is the exception. It was published in 1988 and is still … Continue reading

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Serious weather

We have had serious rain here today and lots of grey, dreich mist on the hills and mountains. You just cannot argue with it, so it has been a day of dealing with filing – amazing how much there is … Continue reading

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Evangelism on a skateboard

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The younger generation

Following the Labour Party leadership election, won by Ed Milliband, I have suddenly woken up to the fact that our country is now governed and led by a generation of 40 somethings. It is quite a thought, especially when we … Continue reading

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My Bonnie

I have spent the last couple of days engrossed in the story of Bonnie and John Suchet. In his memoir, My Bonnie, John writes movingly of his wife’s decline with dementia/Alzheimer’s. (It is in the nature of the disease that … Continue reading

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Embracing change

It’s strange what we can face up to where change is concerned; equally there are times when we want to dig our heels in. I’ve had to change my rss reader because bloglines is closing down at the end of … Continue reading

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Living the prayer

Tonight’s Living the Questions discussion is about prayer. The course is in general very good, as well as being challenging and downright uncomfortable in places. I think it is useful for us to look carefully at our beliefs and our … Continue reading

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This post will have to be very quiet, it is a trip into my inner child together with some old photos………. (Misty is having a snooze even as I type, so it should be ok, and with any luck I … Continue reading

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Prayers for Peace

Universal Prayer for Peace Iona Community Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth. Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust. Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill our … Continue reading

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Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen is rather an odd title for a book. This is a debut for Paul Torday, it is an odd concept too; it was the Librarian from the Library Van who thrust it into my hands … Continue reading

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