Bustle and biz

It has been a busy few days – last minute shopping and chores to do; they were made all the more Christmassy by the couple of inches of snow that we have now. Most secret of all was a visit to the pet supermarket for gifts for you-know-who. There are two grand present openings, one here at home and one at #1 Son’s home. So that means extra treats.

Present opening for Misty has become more anticipated with each Christmas; this is her fifth. Indeed when she saw the tree and decorations appear, she joined in the excitement with great glee. I am almost certain she remembers the excitement of a parcel to tear open. Did I tell you that last year at Son #1’s party she was espied creeping away down the hall with a cairn-sized parcel in her mouth? That is why there are extra gifts this year- so that we can take a couple with us to be opened on Boxing Day.

The pet shop was full of Christmas joy for animals; admittedly some of it was decidedly tacky, but as HBTW said, tackiness is allowed at Christmas. (That is his yearly mantra as we discuss houses with coloured lights festooned outside.) Purchases included: a giant stuffed teddy with pink nose; a doggy-choc Santa; a small furry lamb that squeaks; a festive chewy shoe; and a Santa hat.

Sadly, the goat, the dog and the shepherd boy (Fontanini) are still in transit somewhere. Most disappointing. They’ll have to come soon or they’ll miss the festive fun.

Misty is spending a lot of time looking out of the window, I’m not quite sure if she is watching out for deer, or waiting for Santa.

Either way, she won’t be disappointed.

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6 Responses to Bustle and biz

  1. Lyn says:

    How sweet! My dogs like to sit where they can look out the window, too. I have placed small trunks under several windows with cushions on top, and it is not usual for there to be one on every ‘bench” at any given time. When one spots a deer or other creature, he/she announces it to the others, and there is a stampede to the doggy door! Such funny, sweet time I have with them, and obviously, you do, too!

  2. Suem says:

    I am afraid we – I mean Santa – buys charity shop cuddly toys for Bessie! But she loves them! She is also getting some doggie choc drops, despite being on a bit of a diet.

    Bessie barked while the tree was being put up and tried to attack it at one point. She has now accepted it as a semi -permanent fixture in the living room.

  3. Dogs bring great joy at any time of the year, and you have expanded that joy in a wonderful way. The postman just delivered a box for me, and the dogs went nuts barking.

    Now I am thinking maybe they need their own box to open. Johnny is a magpie, swooping in and taking things not his. This morning he quickly grabbed a chile pepper I had dropped on the floor, and soon regretted it.

  4. Marcia Mayo says:

    I do hope Misty doesn’t read your blog!

  5. Lydia says:

    What a perfect photo of Misty waiting for Santa! I decorated our tree (finally) today and must admit that I feel a bit of the Christmas spirit now myself. Glad to read this post because I have been remiss in getting the dogs their Christmas gifts. They, too, seem to be totally excited over being handed their own package to tear into. 🙂

  6. freda says:

    Lovely to hear the stories of everybody’s pets. How fortunate we are to be animal lovers. They give so much joy and pleasure. Marcia – Misty only dips into the blog so the surprises should be safe!

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