Guest Post from Verity

Verity has been interested in my blog and the whole process of blogging for several years. She is one of those friends who you know are always with you. We first met when our children were young, and you know how that means you share all sorts of trials and tribulations. I asked her to do a guest post – it’s a test really, because I’ve been trying to encourage her to start her own blog. So please go ahead and encourage her by commenting if you’ve got time in your weekend schedule.

Lifelong Learning – Pain or Gain
On my first discussion with the tutor I was asked if I was going to continue with my studies through to taking a Degree.  I think I need to wait until my final assignment has been submitted, marked and results known before I even consider another short course, never mind a full blown Degree.
On reaching retirement I made several promises to myself.
  1. not to drive in snow
  2. not to do housework at the weekends
  3. to indulge in more exercise
  4. become a very mature student.
There is a great sense of satisfaction from the first two; a reduction in weight and increase in fitness from the third but as for the fourth, the jury is still out.
I am currently working through my second Open University short course.  The first one on Creative Writing was pure pleasure; however I am now plodding through Making Sense of History.  I did not look too closely at the subjects being studied when choosing the course.  More fool me! Part 1 is Poetry, haiku in particular.  Part 2 is a 15-year period in the recent history of Burma, in particular Aung San Suu Kyi struggles.  Now at Part 3 – this is Art.  In this we are asked to analyse, interpret etc the (so-called) works of art which have won the Turner Prize.  Does anyone really consider the prize winner of 1998, Tracey Emin’s My Bed to be a work of art?
I ask myself frequently am I getting pleasure or pain from being a very mature student.  During my working lifetime I did study but it was mostly work related courses and qualifications.  None of these were for pleasure, their purpose was career orientated. So now why am I studying?  Am I whiling away some hours; increasing my knowledge base; indulging myself; or simply trying to prove that the grey cells are still functioning. Why does it seem important to know that I can achieve a qualification as a retired elder person.

Well done, Verity, maybe you could get used to this!

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8 Responses to Guest Post from Verity

  1. Hello Verity
    Welcome to the strange (sometimes very), world of cyber. This virtual world can be fun, therapeutic, informative in short, whatever you want it to be,
    Congratulations on putting your toe in the water……….ready jump!
    There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?
    I must say I admire you for sticking to your promises made to yourself, takes some doing. Best wishes for your future enterprise(s).

  2. Lyn says:

    Verity, I say “try it.” If it turns out you don’t like blogging, you can always take the blog down. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I enjoy it very much, and I can certainly relate to your thoughts.

    I began university studies when I was in my late 30’s and finished with a Master’s Degree at 44. I never regretted it, and I’m looking forward to taking some courses just for interest now. I think we can always improve ourselves, our thinking. Even the classes that I groaned over having to take opened my eyes and opened doors. No, I didn’t love every class or topic or assignment, but I loved the atmosphere and the feeling of being alive, not stuck in whatever was my “real life” at that time! I say enjoy it, both blogging and studying!

    Thanks for sharing the blogsmosphere, Freda!

  3. Tabor says:

    Like many things in life…once you take the leap you wonder why you did not do it earlier. If you like writing and you like people, then blogging is for. Clearly you can write!

  4. Verity, You are a girl after my own heart. Why indeed pursue education at this late date? I asked myself this over and over, and the answer is I like to learn. Make sure what you are doing is fun, and when it stops being fun stop doing it. I assume you got something out of your first course. I am hurt, hurt do you hear. I am a history major and love the subject, but I can see you might have some misgivings about the course you have outlined. Go for art history next time, it could be more fun for you. PS keep up the exercise, we want to be mobile after all. Dianne

  5. Marcia Mayo says:

    Great start, Verity! As those above said, jump in and see how you like it. It is a bit addictive though.

  6. freda says:

    Verity asked me to say thanks for all the comments, she is certainly thinking seriously about getting into blogging. She had the frisson of delight we all knew at first (my words, not hers!) at seeing her post in print on the screen. The plan at the moment is that she will do one other guest post (probably next week,) and get her OU course finished prior to going in at the deep end. At least, that is partly my plan for her – I’ll keep you posted and thanks again for all the encouragement.

  7. LC says:

    Hats off to Verity for a great first effort. Kudos to Freda for encouraging and helping her launch by having that initial post on What’s the Story in Dalamory. And Verity, what a great name for a blogger!

  8. Pingback: Move over Mum! | What’s the Story in Dalamory

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