Quote for the day from The Gift of Years by Joan Chittister.
We must allow ourselves to dream about what life could really be life if eough of us demanded that it were.
In our dreams lies our unfinished work for the world. What we hope for is a guide to our present obligations to bring wisdom to the world. It is, of course, a wisdom derived from experience of all ilk: from our mistakes and our ideals, from our losses and our insights, from pain and from the little joys of our own past life and present situation.
Hopes, dreams, a reason for living and sharing and going on. What do you think?
‘Live in hope and you will never die of despair’ This was one of my mother’s pylosophies in life – I try to follow it. Dreams are another thing altogether.
And this wet, dreich day is a day to live in hope and bake rock buns!