Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith “A whole I planned,
Youth shows but half;
Trust God: see all, nor be afraid.
Robert Browning
Today is the Birthday Month Treat.
What perfect treat of a poem.
Lovely Robert Browning. Thanks for this one Freda.
One of my favorite poems. Thanks for reminding me. 🙂
One day when I was enroute to his office located in what was once the carriage house behind our old house, I encountered my dad in the garden and he recited this poem. I didn’t know he had it in him, stern patrician that he was. What a strange encounter. I think growing older must have hit him that particular day. This is a sad poem for me. Mom liked Robert Burns and was always reciting him…..oh what God the giftee gee us to see ourselves as others see us. The other poem she liked to recite to me was, “There was a little girl, who had a little curl…”,do you know that one?