Yesterday I was talking about how knitting and crochet calm the soul. As you can see from the photo (excuse the chins!) I am more inclined to be waylaid by technology. And even more so now that I have been given a new shiny bit of kit. (That was the real highlight of the Birthday Month.) I’ll leave you to guess what it is, but can tell you that I am not referring to the iphone I am using in the photo with such concentration.
What does instant communication and instant gratification for knowledge mean in the context of the modern world? Those of us who are internet savvy, tend to expect to know what is going on all over the world. We even expect to know what people around the world think of, and how they react to current events. It’s true to say that the internet has played a huge part in spreading the word about the possibilities for revolution and demonstrations for greater democracy. But what toll does that take on our human brains? Or is it the case that we adjust to the faster pace of life and communication?
Some older people are coming to the end of their patience with internet gadgetry. I haven’t reached there myself yet, in fact, I am still a sucker for sleek, shiny toys. It does worry me a bit that people who shut down over progress will be left with less of a voice. However, my own reaction is to slow down sometimes and see the grass, watch the birds and smell the seductive scent of spring…….. terrible alliteration there – that’s what happens when I gaze out of the window instead of at the screen.
Yes – the spring really is here, and I might just indulge in some blending with nature.
Love the photo of you!
I must beg you to forgive my not being round to wish you a happy birthday. I hope you do tell us what the special shiny gift was!
It seems that technology should heighten our brain activity, but perhaps it can also have a muddling effect with overload. I am anxious for someone/group to do a study on Alzheimer’s and technology, i.e., does this huge increase have anything to do with our technological world and trend away from the natural world? – or can continuing to learn about these new things keep the brain sharp and protected from getting the disease? – or is there absolutely no link whatsoever?
p.s. You new blog header with tabs is fabulous (I am glad you kept the photo I so love).
as someone who checks for the weather instead of looking out of the window, I too need to step away from my technology and smell the real flowers.
You make me wish I switched to WordPress at it is more useful for reading. I am slowly getting to that point where the next new think makes me sigh…with exhaustion not envy. I do not have a smart phone, but I use mine so infrequently that I may never get one.
Unlike you, I have a near-phobia about all things technololigal, however, that has not stopped me blogging and e-mailing like one demented. I do have a mobile phone, it was my husband’s, and it is used only for calling taxis etc., is never switched on otherwise and is in any case more state of the ark than the art!
I do so admire your expertise in such a for me, incomprehensible world, and would only encourage you to perhaps pass on some of your experience with gadgetry to those less adventurous.
Lydia, the special gift is an ipad2. There is a beautiful tale of devotion on the part of HBTW – He drove 70 miles each way to collect it. Re the Alzheimer’s and technology – it would be very interesting to see some sort of study.
Hi Freda, How interesting that you are thinking about technology this day. I just visited the library at Cambridge University in the UK via my campus library, and while there, I downloaded an article on medicine in the fifteenth century (in PDF format) to my Kindle. I did this without leaving my desk at home. On the other hand, I also ordered a new stapler from Amazon while I was online (my 20-year old stapler jammed when I tried to staple another article I printed because the type was too small to read on the Kindle. I retired five years ago. I cannot believe how much technology has changed in the past few years and wonder what life is like in my old workplace which I never visit. I don’t have an Iphone or a lap top. I suppose I will have to try these eventually. BTW I love the photo of you and you do not have chins. But then I don’t see as well as I used to, so please understand I am not accusing you of lying. Dianne
It sounds as if you are as excited as me about technology, Dianne, we live in the country so the online world is very important to us. I think a Kindle is going to be the Other Half’s birthday present this year. In the meantime he gets to share the ipad2.
Thanks for being so kind about the chins!!
What fun it was to read that. I, too, love technology, but not new gadgets. I like my old gadgets. My old phone that only makes phone calls (I am not able to text), and my old lap top, though I would like a new one that is fast enough to let me edit movies. But the thing I love the most is Google. I can instantly look up anything and answer most questions. And I would like to have a Kindle, though I still love books with paper pages and will always have them. So I guess I really do like new gadgets, it’s just I have no desire to have an ipod or a blackberry. And twitter has no allure for me — I’m too old to be a revolutionary.
I fall into the “state of the ark” category with Ray. I cling to my old phone, although I do use it a lot, but I have sensed odd stirrings. Like, wouldn’t it be easier to have an iPhone so I could manage my calendar, my mother’s calendar, my notes and to-do lists from her doctors’ visits etc etc etc in one place without losing pieces of paper.