Details of Banner

If you look here, you can find the details of how the 200yr celebratory banner was designed and made.

As I eased myself back into Ballroom Dancing classes last night I found myself reflecting on the changing face of the village. There wouldn’t be anything like that 200 years ago. Maybe it will form part of one after the next hundred years or so. After all we have Amateur Drama, Pantomime, History Society, Badminton for over-fifties, Zoomba, Car Boot Sales plus loads of Church activities.

The reason for the aches and groaning last night was a 4/5 week absence due to holidays and end of term break. I should have realised there was going to be trouble as I struggled my way into a pair of tights, in the fashion of the best of the drag queens. Not altogether a happy picture, but sadly true. Then the Dance Instructor put on the music for a rather lively quickstep and told us to warm up. Three dances later everyone was groaning and slipping off for sips of water. The pain started in the ssshhh – buttocks! And then migrated down the legs to knees, calves, ankles and balls of the feet.  Let it not be thought that this is an easy option exercise class. Sweat was rolling down my face and behind my neck as well as in other unmentionable places.

Was I having fun – Yes of course!

By the time we had a break we were all up for learning some new steps for the rumba. You see, the brain is exercised as well as the body. We had two new members last night from Poland, and oh did they sway beautifully to the said rumba.

Right – must try to exercise more during the week. Sadly, too much of today has consisted of good snoozing time over a good book.

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5 Responses to Details of Banner

  1. Ray Barnes says:

    I really do admire your energy and enterprise Freda. I must say the thought of trying to do a quickstep fills me with the desire to …….(hide)

    The snooze and read one is my preferred option.

  2. Tabor says:

    Hubby and I took a year of exercises from Arthur Murray Studios (American) a number of years ago. We loved it, but I have forgotten most of it now.

  3. Dianne says:

    That’s my problem with books…I drift off to sleep. Sounds like you had some fun until the music stopped and your body parts became aware of themselves.

  4. LC says:

    It seems I, too, have difficulty exercising my “want to” when it comes to physical activity and no trouble at doing the “book and snooze exercise.”

  5. Ginnie says:

    You live a varied and interesting life. Dancing is a good way to exercise. Although I do a tai-chi warmup exercise daily to keep my back in shape I have to admit that I much prefer the books.

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