
Thanks to Suem at Significant Truths for posting this – there’s more here than meets the eye.

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6 Responses to Chillax!

  1. Lyn says:

    That’s great! Well said …. although obviously not everyone will “get it.” chuckle!

  2. Anne Gibert says:

    Ah, that was a hoot! Thanks.

  3. Dianne says:

    Amusing. Love the old church and interested in which hymns you are singing this week.

  4. Suem says:

    My favourite bit is the look on the faces of the old ladies at the end!

  5. freda says:

    Suem, sometimes I suspect I am one of the old ladies at the end!

  6. friko says:

    Came to it late but my laugh was no less hearty than if I’d come on time.

    It works on so many levels.

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