Monthly Archives: November 2011


This is a wonderful film to watch with children I should imagine. OK I confess, HBTW and I watched it on our own. Who needs mindless violence, gratuitous sex and dialogue you can’t understand when you can have an adventure … Continue reading

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Misty’s Birthday

It is Misty’s birthday today; she is 6 years old. Yes, we did sing Happy Birthday to her and she enjoyed it very much. She gives us enormous pleasure and devotion and makes us laugh constantly. This is a photo … Continue reading

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Dear John

Nicholas Sparks is on top form with this 2006 novel which explores relationships in his typically quirky and individual style. Not unexpected from a writer who has given us The Notebook and Message in a Bottle. The hero is a … Continue reading

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You’ve got to laugh

Thanks to Schmidleysscribbling for this cartoon:

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Christmas is coming

An imaginative Hallelujah Chorus

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Fontanini time

We’re being lulled into thinking winter is a long way away. Yes, the nights are dark by half-past four, but the temperature outside hovers from 9C to 14C – and the grass is still growing. HBTW cut the back grass … Continue reading

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Dancing shoes

My new dancing shoes arrived in the post today and thankfully they fit perfectly. As to whether they are magic shoes that will help me to dance better, I cannot say. Tomorrow night will tell. There is one slight problem, … Continue reading

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Welcome Bertie

Bertie is a new member of our wider family. He and his companion adult are coming to stay over Christmas. He looks beautiful, let’s hope he and Misty get on.

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God’s memory?

A sprightly 60-year-old woman was walking along 5th Avenue when she heard a voice from above: “You will live to be 100.” She looked around but didn’t see anyone. Again she heard the voice: “You will live to be 100.” … Continue reading

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Contemplation and recovery

It turns out that the bug had not quite had its way in the Dalamory Homestead, HBTW suffered his own collapse and took to bed. This involved wearing several extra jumpers, plugging in earphones to the radio and “coorying” under … Continue reading

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