Day Off

It’s funny how enjoyable a Day Off can be even when one is no longer in paid employment.   A good trip out to visit a friend who provided an excellent lunch. Time to catch up then home to a lazy evening.

Inside 19-9C
Outside 4.7C
Pressure 1011.3
Rain 0

And those are only the readings I understood.


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3 Responses to Day Off

  1. Mina says:

    Is himself educating you on reading the weather results or are you happy with you current knowledge. Only thing beyond what you quote which I like is what was the overnight temperature. Totally useless information but ……. you never know when you might be asked that very question, but then who would ask that?

  2. And I don’t really know what those readings mean, except, I know cold.

  3. freda says:

    Judging by the instruction book and all the buttons on the monitor, there are a lot more readings and points of interest. I can only manage the simple stuff. I agree that the overnight low point is a good one, if only to make you feel good about having the heating off!

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