Official Letters

You know the official envelopes that drop through the letterbox? The kind of things from The Scottish Parliament, Holyrood Palace, The Police. . . . . . . . . . .  (Yikes – that one frightened me so much it became a sermon illustration – it turned out to be an official survey, nothing bad at all!)  Right now, the envelope on the desk is from the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency, and Yes, I have opened it.

The clue is in my forthcoming Birthday Month. . . . . . . it is being advertised earlier than usual, rather than February for March I am thinking about it already – January for March. That’s because it is a big one with a nought at the end. Definitely a big one because I have to get a new driving licence. I remember almost fifty years ago, passing the driving test and being so proud of the bit of paper which did not expire until March 2014. It seemed so long in the future as to be a nonsense; well. . . . . here we are and it is definitely a nonsense that time should pass so fast.

The form is a bit daunting, though there is the option to complete the application online. Providing one has a passport – and I do – it is ok to seek renewal using the same photo id card. And to be honest, I don’t look too different from the issue of the photo. I can have a go anyway. Presumably, all relevant details are online. I wonder if the whole of our “official” government-type lives are going to be dealt with on the net. I suppose that if it works it will save money, though I dread to think of all the operatives who are losing their jobs because I input my own information.

Cannot decide whether I am pleased or not. I don’t like filling in forms these days and have to admit it is much easier to type in the details required. Am I just selling out, or keeping up with the times?

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2 Responses to Official Letters

  1. I suppose the DMV will catch up with me one day. Good luck!!

  2. Mina says:

    Look on it as a badge (licence) of honour – just like the Bus Pass!

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