Misty had her annual check up and vaccination booster at the vet’s. What a lot of trembling and burying her head in my jumper – the dog, not the vet of course. How is it that dogs seem to know where they are as soon as they step on the pavement outside the surgery? I suppose it must be the smell that triggers the memory of not being in control.
The silly thing is that there are no squeals or crying – only a mild “’tishoo” as the kennel cough vaccine gets squirted up her nose. The good news is that she is pronounced well and with lovely teeth. All done until the rabies booster in October.
We did this in the past few weeks. April is for the rest of the shots. Poor doggies also must have teeth cleaned…at least Clare must. Johnny is okay!
April is for our dog shots. They had the kennel cough vaccine in the past few weeks. Teeth cleaning for Clare later this spring. She is 10. Johnny’s teeth look okay! Our canine children!
There is always something to keep us busy, what with our own medical appointments, the dog’s and keeping up with all the offspring and a growing pre-natal grandchild.