The life and thoughts of Freda Marshall, a retired Church of Scotland minister living amongst the mountains and glens of Argyll.Pages
Monthly Archives: February 2014
The Birthday Month
This is the last day before my Birthday Month, and of course it is a special BM . . . .. .. it is my 70th Birthday Month. When I was a child it took me quite a number of … Continue reading
The Notebook
Or maybe it should be Tabor’s Notebook – she posts here and today is expressing many of the same thoughts and problems that I have. I shall be drifting off to sleep or dozing in the chair with Misty on … Continue reading
On the go
Do you have a lot of reading material on the go at the same time? Lots of avid reader friends tend towards the eclectic, and that means they can read several books each of a different genre. So here is … Continue reading
Misty and photography
Thinking of photography makes me think of Misty – we have shared our lives with many dogs, but she has been the most difficul to photograph. I’m not sure if it is because she is scruffy, or because of her … Continue reading
Some Enchanted Evening
OK – despite my slightly tongue in cheek review of South Pacific yesterday, this has got to be one of the best songs ever. . . . . . . . . See I am a romantic at heart. . … Continue reading
South Pacific
I first saw South Pacific when it was originally released around 1959. It followed on from the Rodgers & Hammerstein stage musical of the same name which first was staged in 1949. The other night it was decided that a … Continue reading
Posted in Film Reviews
Tagged musicals, racism, Rodgers & Hammerstein, sexism, South Pacific
Keeping in touch
I’ve been trying to keep in touch with other bloggers in cyberspace lately. I’m still not brilliant at using Feedly, but am trying. The main problem I am having is that it seems to be getting more difficult to leave … Continue reading
February Sky
This winter has been a constant succession of Low Weather Sytems driving in from the Atlantic with hardly a break between one and the next. During a short gap this is what the sky looked like.
Making a difference
As I was looking out obsolete clothes for the British Heart Foundation, I realised that this was one very easy way of making a difference. We are fortunate in this area because every eight weeks or so a van driver … Continue reading