Thinking of photography makes me think of Misty – we have shared our lives with many dogs, but she has been the most difficul to photograph. I’m not sure if it is because she is scruffy, or because of her dark colour that melts into the background. Of course it could be that she doesn’t like to pose for a photo opportunity. And she is a little dog -so I find it hard to get down on her level.
Anyway, the start of the photography course means that I just might learn to capture more of her nature. That really would be something special.
Her nature appears to be somewhat disgruntled in the lovely picture above. What a pity she can’t say what she is thinking.
Now capturing that would be some feat.
Pets can be very difficult especially if they are dark colored because it is hard to get their texture. I am so excited for you on this journey.
Find a MOOC on becoming a model and have Misty work through it. Just think of her posing about all over the place….
She is so beautiful I hope you can capture more images!