The life and thoughts of Freda Marshall, a retired Church of Scotland minister living amongst the mountains and glens of Argyll.Pages
Monthly Archives: February 2014
Mooc week 6
Our forensic science mooc has now finished. It was very thorough as well as being fascinating. I am now officially a fan of this method of study. Of course the quality of the course depends on the provider, but the … Continue reading
Things that are too hard
How do you cope with things that are too hard? You see I have a problem. I am a Christian . . . . . . . . an ordained minister, so I am supposed to at least have … Continue reading
The Love Book
This is the first of Fiona O’Brien’s books that I have read. She has a difficult style to get used to. Although there are three main characters, she employs the method of multiple time changes and a story told through … Continue reading
Keep on Dancing
Last night was Dance Class and it was also Valentine’s Day, so our Dance Teacher had suggested we have a social night. Not a regular dance, just informal. What fun we had. Everyone brought snacks and something to drink, and … Continue reading
Ralph Waite RIP
I was saddened to hear of the death of Ralph Waite, a favourite actor of mine from long ago and still making appearances in TV programmes nowadays. In the 1970s he was one of the lead actors in the Waltons … Continue reading
Technical problems
Apologies if you have been trying to take a look at this site only to find an Error message. There have been some technical problems. All seems ok now, so here goes with a little reflection on how our lives … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, blogging
Little treats
I enjoy getting magazines through the post. Regular monthly ones come from Caravan & Camping Clubs, The National Trust, Saga, and Weight Watchers. But I have discovered a new online source for individual copies of magazines. iCreate should arrive tomorrow … Continue reading
It is starting to snow
And now the snow comes . . . . . . . winter stealing in silently and with stealth. Perhaps our trip to town will be cancelled tomorrow. When the weather does this there is nothing to do but to … Continue reading
Mooc Week 5
The Strathclyde University’s Forensic mooc has been getting progressively more detailed and correspondingly more difficult. This week we were deep into the different categories of drugs and the ways they are treated by different countries and the United Nations. We … Continue reading
Posted in Blog
Tagged biochemistry, drugs, forensic science, Midsomer, MOOC, Strathclyde University
When some in the world long for water to drink, Others long for floods to subside. When some long for peace and quiet, Others long for someone to talk with. When some can no longer hear, Others hear bad things … Continue reading