A couple of weeks ago I stood at a busy crossing in Glasgow, waiting for the lights to change. Beside me stood a person in full Islamic veil. I had no way of knowing whether the person was male, female, young, old, pleasant, hostile or detached. Yes, I felt uncomfortable. And this was before Jack Straw’s comments about the veil. Leaving aside my own unease at the implications of the place of women inĀ Islam, I have to agree with Jack Straw. He is someone who has plainly invested much time and energy in the area of race relations and I respect his views.
Perhaps I should add that I also feel uncomfortable being served in a restaurant by a young woman with a bare belly. And that is hardly hygienic either.
Be careful now the Politicly Correct Thought Police will be monitering your blog but joking aside it seems that the world’s gone mad when to ask a question stirs up so much fuss.
Yes Graham, but is it the media or the world going mad I wonder?