Midge Forecast

It is “that” time of year again and living in the West Highlands of Scotland means that we are often plagued with midgies. I can never write something like that without thinking of the island nurse who answered my young son’s enquiry about why God made midgies by saying rather loudly, Because we’re all sinners! Needless to say, said son did not appreciate the reply, and I can now express theologically that a God like that would be a nasty old so and so; I prefer to blame natural selection and to think of how the midgies provide plentiful food for the swallows.

Back to the plot though……. I am grateful for the friends who gave me this link to the Midge Forecast site. I am not put off by the fact that it is run by a firm selling midge-eaters. But I am thinking of putting one of their machines on the wish list for next year. Skin-so-soft by Avon seems to work well as a deterrent – the midgies don’t seem to like the smell. The trouble is I am not so keen on it myself!

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2 Responses to Midge Forecast

  1. Ann Pawley says:

    Try the VAPE portable midge repeller – see the midgeforecast site for more details. Its a battery operated little device that clips on a belt or bag. If you find lotions don’t suit your skin, this could be a more suitable alternative.

  2. Freda says:

    Sounds a good idea, will check it out. Many thanks

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