There’s a whole world out there

Let me at it.....

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2 Responses to There’s a whole world out there

  1. Mina says:

     WHAT HAVE I DONE NOW ?? (by Miss T Marshall)

    Can anyone tell me why I have to be this side of the window – why can’t I go out. I have asked to go out but no one will open the door for me. Even if they would just open the sitting room door I could sneak out the cat-flap. But – No! For some reason I have to stay here just looking out and longing.

    Is this something to do with me racing round the garden barking? If it is I still do not understand why because I have to keep it clear of any marauders and safe for my humans. Do they never think of the good work I do by keeping other creatures out? After all if they are walking in the garden and there is fox or deer poo and this gets on their shoes they are not pleased.

    I am careful not to go on any parts of the garden which have been tidied or planted with new plants, although sometimes I might just get a paw on to something I shouldn’t. However I don’t think that is sufficient reason for keeping me inside looking out.

    Another thought – is it because they are expecting someone to come and work on the house or in the garden? Now this would mean that my humans are thinking of me and trying to keep me safe. Mmmm, must think about this but how am I to check it out if I am stuck in this room. In here I don’t know if someone has come to the back door where most of the work is done.

    If I wait a bit longer I can always make a big fuss about wanting, needing out. This always works, as if by magic doors open and I can go out in to the garden. Oh well – I had better just make the best of it and be patient. Good things come to those who wait.

  2. freda says:

    And adventures await patient dogs!

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