Good Friday

The cross has reappeared on the hill opposite the house. The Craig Lodge Community are only allowed to put it up for 28 days in the year because of planning regulation. When this was first decided I was sad to think that the year-round cross would not be there. In actual fact, it has more impact because of its infrequent appearance.

On another note: there have been extra services in our local churches. A very special way to celebrate Easter in the countryside.

Another way to know it is Easter. All of a sudden there are loads of caravans and campervans (can’t complain for obvious reasons) plus streams of powerful motorbikes. I am a bit of an old biddy in that I enjoy sitting at the front window watching the birds and the road at the bottom of the glen. Ah well! You know what they say about simple pleasures.

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3 Responses to Good Friday

  1. Graham says:

    It would be great if you could post a picture must be quite impressive

  2. freda says:

    I am not sure my camera or my photography is good enough – the hill is very high. Will have a try over the weekend.

  3. Jane and Andrew says:

    Lovely photos freda. Really enjoyed seeing you again and robin of course.
    Manage to get home eventually.
    Back into training again edward and Me off road
    Hows the misty diet? I thought she got on well with mottoe I have lovely photo of you on the walk In my day a misty diet was something that you thought you might do

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