Went for a winter picnic in the campervan yesterday – up into the hills behind Bridge of Orchy. Two short walks in a stiff breeze and two cups of coffee – excellent. The evening’s Leadership Debate seemed very remote. I ended up not being able to watch it and settling instead for recording it and listening to some of the media spin afterwards. It is interesting that this election is heralding a sea-change in UK politics. It is impossible to ignore media hype; I find this very worrying, because it places too much power in the hands of the wrong people. In any case, what of the one person one vote ideal? It won’t do the LibDems much good, other than as a lever to lobby for a fairer voting system in terms of representing the views of the electorate with regard to the numbers of seats held.
As for me…… if it all gets too much, we can always go back to Loch Tulla.
Sounds like a wonderful time.
Goes nicely with the picture.