Getting to church

Getting to church today is going to mean several layers of clothes and hiking boots. That is always providing there is no more snow overnight.

A peaceful Sunday to all my readers. Keep warm if you are in the frozen north of wherever you are.

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4 Responses to Getting to church

  1. Marcia Mayo says:

    I’m in the Sunny South, but it’s still cold here. Have a good and safe Sunday.

  2. Not too bad here in Virginia. I would love to see more photos of your church. Also, a little about its history. Hard to tell from your photo if it is really old or a newer version of an old style.

  3. Tabor says:

    Cold winds but no snow on the ground. Good luck on getting out.

  4. cloudia says:


    Keep warm and safe.

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral



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