Tricky Treat Wednesday

Misty and me having a go at training.I’m not sure who comes off best.

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11 Responses to Tricky Treat Wednesday

  1. friko says:

    Misty certainly knows how to get round you, with just half a ‘high paws’, she always goes in the direction of her treats. Dogs are very clever when it comes to acting winsome.

    I am trying to get Benno to go up a ramp into the boot of the car; his arthritis plagues him. He is tall enough to eat the treats off the ramp even without climbing up. He also seems to be quite frightened of it and prefers to jump in even it he hurts his hind legs.

    Give Misty a cuddle from me.

  2. Keep trying Freda, you’ll get the hang of it eventually. Just don’t expect a treat every time until she is satisfied you can do what she wants!
    Thanks for the the laugh, I needed one.

  3. freda says:

    Thanks friko and ray, I knew I was being played, but you’re right, she has the upper hand. Videos from ipad to youtube are quite easy but I don’t have an ipad editing software. Lots to learn.

  4. Tabor says:

    I agree with raybarnes. This dog will have you trained in no time!

  5. Lyn says:

    What a little charmer! Yes, both of you! 🙂

  6. Anne Gibert says:

    She does better than Daisy or Fluffy. I’m impressed with both of you.

  7. Marcia Mayo says:

    I think Misty is training you nicely.

  8. Dianne says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed watching the two videos of you and Misty training each other. I wish I had a nice field to throw sticks in the air for the dogs. Dianne

  9. Anita says:

    Oh that’s lovely. I love Misty! Somehow I imagined you having a Scottish accent, but you don’t!

  10. freda says:

    Thanks, Anita, my accent is a hybrid as my mother was Scottish and father English. Although I was born in Scotland I grew up in London, then moved back to Glasgow when I left school.

  11. Sheila says:

    Loved seeing you live! And I think you do have a Scottish accent.

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