Early in August my car was parked in Oban with Him Behind the Wheel behind the wheel reading a newspaper. Suddenly he was catapulted out of whatever he was reading by the car behind which misjudged the distance and bent the back end of my car. All was dealt with in a civilised manner – after all the driver of the other vehicle was French and on holiday in a hire car. In due time my claim was progressed and the repair completed all in good order. So far so good. (I take it you are still with me?) Now it begins to get complicated. I have a policy with protected no claim discount and legal fees cover, thus it is the company's job to recover my ?120 excess from the third party insurers. Having been an insurance professional for more than half my working life I know that these things take time. Time has now passed.
Today on my list for the day was “Phone re recovery of excess”……It has taken me five telephone calls to five different people with interesting names and accents to establish that they are in fact attempting recovery from Hertz Car Rental on my behalf. This was from someone in the “Recoveries Dept”.
I managed to maintain my patience – just.
But now it is me that needs to recover.