Getting ready

The bookcase has been emptied, cleaned and moved. The build-up of dust has been vaccumed away, the washing has been taken down. All is ready for tomorrow’s scheduled delivery of the fridge. It’s so large that the hallway has to be cleared. I almost feel obliged to take a video and post it on  youtube – such has been the anticipation. As you can tell we don’t often go in for new furnishings or equipment, though the extra cold capacity will be welcome. It’s well seen that more items are stored in fridges these days than ever used to be. Most preserves etc have a recommendation to store in a refrigerator once opened.

My mind often jumps back into its recesses to dredge out images from the past. In particular I am thinking about pantries. (Special food storage cupboards.) They were large cupboards with shelves of different widths and heights to store food. There was often a marble slab on one of the shelves, and sometimes an air vent to the outside to take advantage of cooling draughts. The houses I lived in only had one, of course, unlike grander dwellings which had several each dedicated to a separate use.

There was something comforting about a well stocked pantry – it’s much more difficult to store packaged food in carousel cupboards, for example. I end up nearly standing on my head trying to find things, but that could be because there is too much in them. I was watching a cookery programme with Nigella a few years ago in which she claimed to be in her own kitchen. She went into the “pantry” for some flour and caster sugar . . . . . . Oh what a dream of a pantry. In reality it was a small room, nearly as big as a corner shop, with shelves stacked with all manner of groceries, staples and preserves. Imagine lusting after someone’s pantry when I am no longer the cook in our house – I just enjoy eating and watching other people cooking. I blame my indolence on too many years of cooking basic meals for a medium-large family.

All of these reminiscences make me want to  delve into the kitchen cupboards and have a spring-clean. That’s my trouble you see, I wake up when it is getting near bedtime, then in the morning I am useless until well on into the morning. (I really mean lunchtime.) It was ever thus but all the tablets I have to take have made it worse.

It occurs to me looking at this post, that I lead a very little and very ordinary life these days. And do you know what? It is rather lovely. A day can consist of such delights as frothy coffee mid-morning, catching up with facebook friends, a little light dusting, a phone call from someone special, news of one of the grandchildren, a walk with the dog and a sit in a sunny porch to watch the birds with HBTW. Bliss. . . . . . .

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Instant Joy

Had a forage round the garden yesterday – all part of getting back on my feet properly – and brought in some daffodils that had fallen in the wind. They make a wonderful bunch, so I thought, right a photo and wax lyrical about them, makes an ideal blog post instead of rabbiting on about health or lack of it. Then I realised it has been done before.

I wandered lonely as a cloud . . . . . . .

Here’s the photo anyway.

B2014 Daffodilsvase

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That fridge and other things

I hesitate to announce it to the world, but I am pleased to say that the delivery has now been scheduled for this coming Thursday. Of course I could just be tempting fate but it does at least mean we are not having to wait as long as I feared.

It has been a strange few days, I’ve not felt at all well and am struggling with a course of antibiotics that seem to be creating havoc with my system.  (Unless some of it is due to side effects of the Shingles vaccination I had ten days ago.) Medical matters have become so complex. It is no longer a case of going along to the doctor and saying, What is wrong with me? then coming away with a prescription. Patients are expected to enter fully into the diagnostic process and take responsibility for aspects of their own health and well-being. Part of me wants to say – Quite right too – but then I hanker after the cozy comfort of the GPs of yesteryear when they knew everything and we knew very little.

I guess that just means I stick to healthy eating, try to lose the weight and exercise regularly. It may sound boring, but it would be nice to enjoy my elderyears in good fettle. Margo MacDonald’s death at age 70 is salutary; her life was the political backdrop to my life and I admired her feisty nature and willingness to get stuck into all sorts of issues.

One of the first things we were asked to do in Practical Theology at Uni was to write our own obituaries. It is quite a hard thing to do, but a worthwhile exercise as it helps to put one’s priorities in order. Of course that was 25 years ago – nowadays it would be rather different. Hmmm . . . . . . . . .  perhaps it is not a good idea to go to bed thinking about one’s obit.

What would you like to be remembered for?


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A thought for today


I would love to live
like a river flows
carried by the surprise
of its own unfolding

John O’Donoghue

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For long enough I have been saying it would be nice to have a seat in the Glebe, one of our favourite local walks. This winter saw the demise of an old tree – all is not lost.

B2014 Glebetreeseat

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The story of the new fridge-freezer is turning into a veritable saga. We ordered it a fortnight ago and were told that delivery would take 5 to 6 weeks. So as you can imagine we were delighted to get a phone call last week to say that delivery would be April 4th ie tomorrow. Their engineers even phoned up to check access and dimensions of doors etc as it is a larger than normal appliance. All week the excitement has been building, I even took a recorded phone message to say that the fridge would be delivered tomorrow and to expect another phone call confirming the time.

Half an hour later I received a call from the Carriers to say that the fridge had been found to be damaged and they would therefore need to re-order from the manufacturer. What a disappointment. And what a suspicious mind I have – for instance if they had to take the doors off for delivery did they damage it themselves? I did try the – if it is only damaged slightly, externally for instance perhaps it would be acceptable – but apparently nothing less than perfection is acceptable to the makers.

It reminded me of a washing machine we had ordered whilst we lived just outside Stornoway, in the Western Isles. We had chosen a machine and it was duly ordered. This was in the days before mail order or internet so we had visited the electrical shop to select one. The retailer told us the shipment of machines was coming on the ferry on a certain day. Unfortunately the day of the ferry crossing arrived and it blew up to near hurricane force. We were not surprised to receive a phone call telling us that our washing machine had been damaged. Fortunately we found out it was only a slight dent in the side casing, so with a discounted price, we ended up very happy. The washing machine worked well for many year.

Back to the fridge – it must be more seriously damaged. And there is nothing to be done. But, Yes, I am disappointed. We will have to institute a treat of some kind in the morning to make up. Not that I need much excuse to go on an outing of some kind.

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April jokes

With the best will in the world I have never been able to understand so called April Fool jokes or japes, especially when presented by the media. So today I have avoided newspapers, TV and radio. Someone always presents a story and I end up feeling stupid when I discover it is not true. Wikipedia gives a detailed explanation about it being a festival dating back to Roman times. The truth is that some people like making idiots of some other people. Grrrr . . . . . . .  why am I so gullible?

The Guardian has published a list of probable April Fool capers; I presume this is just for people like me. Anybody been taken in?

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End of the month

The Birthday Month has gone very well and very quickly. I did briefly consider having a Birthday Year but decided it would be excessive. Instead we shall simply continue to enjoy what each day brings. That is always good advice. This week we are awaiting delivery of a new capacious fridge. Plenty of room for ice cream, and fruit and veg as well. Next week, HBTW will be enjoying his Driving Experience treat at a race track in Fife. Misty and I are going along for moral support and hopefully to take photos.

The 2:5 Fast Diet is going ok – since 4 March I have lost 1.3kgs which is almost 3lbs. Not bad for a quirky type of eating. It helps to remember that I can always eat what I want the  next day, though to be honest, the diet gives an understanding of food which more or less precludes over-eating. There is a kind of knock-on effect. However, this is a long term project and is all the better for being taken slowly, one week at a time.


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Be gentle on the souls of your loved ones,
and be gentle on your own soul.
For then the world will learn compassion and everlasting love.
And there will be Peace.

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Spring Washing

Yes – It’s that time of year. You can see how dirty the campervan is. We’re looking forward to our wanderings this coming year. Who knows where they will take us? Certainly not us.

B2014 CampervanwashI could only watch long enough to take the photo, in fact I was torn between being on hand in case I was needed or hiding in the house. I eventually chose the latter.

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