Special moments

No photo-shoot of the afore-mentioned digger as the weather turned to torrential rain. HBTW and Son #2 kept at it for most of the day; despite the mud they achieved a commendable clearing-up operation, though it meant having 2 skips nearby for taking rubbish.

We have had a few days of whizzing round Scotland, encountering some special moments along the way:

  • A walk in a Scots Pine forest.
  • Wandering along a sandy beach
  • Cappuccino and a scone at a harbour cafe
  • Autumn colours in trees and bracken
  • Fungi
  • Being in a hot tub under the stars – tracking satellites and spotting constellations
  • Having a spin in a performance car

These are the things that make life enjoyable and special. Of course, now we are back to the reality of jobs to do around the house and mail to catch up with. And in no time at all it will be the end of the month, clocks changing and winter setting in. Hmmm . . . perhaps I should just content myself with a wander round the garden admiring the roses that seem to have bloomed on and on this year. Or of course there are the photos to download to the computer. And then there is the mooc to get back to.

Or even another cup of coffee and a sit, contemplating the joys of being retired and fit enough to enjoy the ordinary things that make life so special. A kind of prayer in its own way.

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Happy Camper

Tomorrow HBTW should be a Happy Camper. He is getting to play . . . . . Sorry I mean “use” a small-sized digger. There is an area at Son #2’s small holding that is to be transformed into a boat park. Photo opportunity if the sun shines.

It reminds me of an occasion some 40 years ago when we had hired a similar machine whilst living in thee Outer Hebrides.  It was for digging out a driveway – however, the temperature that day was nearly 100 degrees in old money. Come to think of it there should be an old photo somewhere. I wonder if Himself was wearing the ubiquitous striped trunks?

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Wonders of creation

This is a resource from the mooc I am currently doing. It is amazing.

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Autumn already

B2014 CommunitygardentreesI can hardly believe that all this time has gone past without regular posts. The summer has whizzed past and earlier illness has made the later weeks all the more precious. This post is a way of re-connecting with the online part of myself. And there are many questions in my mind about the point of blogging, especially when instant communication is here with facebook and twitter. I did register for the latter, but found the constant beeping an intrusion and too much pressure. Perhaps I will come to that later.

The Referendum about Scottish Independence has taken up a lot of my time and attention. I found myself caught up in the desire for a fairer and better way of leadership as opposed to government – something which is shared by people on both sides of the campaign.  Overwhelmingly, people in Scotland now are united in hoping for the change that has been promised by politicians based in London. So much has been happening in the world, and we are subject to instant knowledge of wars and violence in a way that previous generations did not have to face. Does it make us more involved or liable to turn off?

A blessed Autumn to you and yours.


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Today is a beautiful gift of a late summer day – warm sunshine . . . . . .   a day for being out in the countryside. Somehow it seems appropriate to make some decisions, one of which is that I expect to start regular posts after Referendum Day (September 18th).

In the meantime, here is a reminder of what Misty looks like – as if you could forget.

B2014 Mistycommunitybeach

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Is it going to happen?

Yes – something new is going to happen and there should be activity on the site soon.

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Back to normal

B2014 CampervanlochmareeThings are almost back to normal – time to take advantage of the summer and do a few trips away. Then of course there are always the jobs to do in and around the house and garden. This year I am following many other of my blogging friends and having a bit of a sabbatical, probably until the new academic term starts in September.

Blessings on you and yours from Dalamory.

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Old fashioned convalescence

There have been several phone calls from anxious friends asking if I am ok.  Given the lack of stories on my blog, it’s not surprising. To be honest, if I had managed to post anything it would have tended to be about the lurgy itself, blood pressure collapses, re-introducing medication and still feeling very tired. Thus I have declared that the next couple of weeks will be an old fashioned convalescence. . . . . . . . . .  you know, the kind where you can do anything you like – within reason and as long as it is legal.  Plenty of rest, some gentle walking, lots of sitting in the garden and hopefully that will do the trick. Who would have thought that early summer could get hi-jacked. Never mind, I have started to be a lurker on facebook and very slowly my concentration is coming back – I can read a book or two.

Enjoy your summer.
Blessings from a very quiet Dalamory.


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Disappearing Act

My sudden disappearance has been due to a rather nasty lurgy – one of those viruses that does the rounds. Unfortunately it has hit me very hard for the last couple of weeks and I am only just beginning to find my feet. My desk is an absolute shambles, the house needs some urgent TLC – but resting up and recovery come first.

One good thing is that being so ill has stopped me being anxious . . . .  and if I remember correctly, Wimbledon is on the horizon to help with the convalescence.

Greetings from long, lost Dalamory.

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Sunset and Peace

B2014 SunsethomeWhen you see a sight like this from the window, you just have to rush off and get a camera to try and capture the moment. Of course the image itself is but a shadow of the illuminated sky, but it does make me think of peace and the beauty of creation.

We have had a busy weekend, Son #4 and family have been here for a sleepover – such a lot of fun packed into a short space of time. And now, the house seems strangely quiet. Time to rest up and enjoy the memories.

B2014 Hannahanddaddy

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