Tag Archives: barbecue

Views round Dalamory

Several people asked for more photos, so here we go. One of the things that helped me a lot when I was working, was that I thoroughly enjoyed seeing where people lived, how they decorated, what their bookshelves looked like … Continue reading

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Counting Blessings

Have been going back to the familiar topic of counting blessings. It seems that when I stop and take the time, usually last thing at night, special moments come into focus. Yesterday’s were: swifts flying high on the wing – … Continue reading

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Only in Argyll

Yes – Argyll is one of the few places where the temperature goes from 10.5 to 22.5 overnight. Never mind, the sunshine is supposed to last for a few days. Lots more barbecues I guess. The cat and dog like … Continue reading

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Anyone for a barbecue?

Look closely at who is ready and waiting.

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Precious moments

Three special moments from yesterday: 1) A woodpecker on the garden nuts; 2) Barbecued chicken; 3) An amazing pink sunset over the mountains. Thanksgiving: a good way to start the day.

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Just a point of information. Last spring Him Behind the Wheel bought a new barbecue. It has already been used more times this year than last. Oh I do like warm weather.

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Where did spring go?

Came home today after a couple of days away visiting friends. Something had happened in Dalamory whilst we were absent: spring had never come and the summer arrived. So we had a barbecue. And very good it was too.

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