Tag Archives: dog

Doggy diets

  Misty had her annual check up at the Vet’s this week, along with her injections and kennel-cough drops. She was very good with nary a squeak – just the odd rolling of the whites of her eyes. However, the … Continue reading

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First things first

Old Geezer poses the question about what would make someone be tempted to go back into the house for, if the house was burning down. I’m not sure that I would be brave enough (stupid enough?) to go back into … Continue reading

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One of the things that makes me laugh about Misty is the way she likes to have routines. By the way, a lot of the time I am laughing with her – you can tell by the bounce in her … Continue reading

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Tara and Bella

I don’t know if you have seen the original story, but this update and summary is absolutely brilliant. Click on the link if you have 2mins – it will time well spent. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljcfWFZaYzs&NR=1

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Change of roles

Dalamory has a problem. The cat has taken to begging for food and eating dog food. The dog is bemused and getting a little bit stroppy. So far it is 1 all.

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Dry day

It’s a dry day in Dalamory. Quick: take dog for a walk, fill the bird feeders, stop faffing on about why you didn’t do the washing and hope someone feels like cutting the grass soon. Oh yes – and enjoy … Continue reading

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Just a normal day

The Library Van came early and amongst the goodies was a book I had requested (second part of Michael J Fox’s autobiography) – so guess what I have been happily engaged in. It is as an antidote after a fearful … Continue reading

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Only in Argyll

Yes – Argyll is one of the few places where the temperature goes from 10.5 to 22.5 overnight. Never mind, the sunshine is supposed to last for a few days. Lots more barbecues I guess. The cat and dog like … Continue reading

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The deer the deer

There is a little dog called Misty who patrols the garden regularly protecting the plants from the ravages of the deer. So why is one of the baby apple trees being eaten? Yes – it is the deer. But poor … Continue reading

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Unprovoked attack

For the life of me I cannot turn this into a funny tale. Misty’s regular walk is down to the river and through the Glebe field. On the way, we have to pass a house at the end of our … Continue reading

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