Tag Archives: HBTW

Planning Meeting

OK chaps, where shall we go next?

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Pavlova extraordinaire

  You can tell by the expression that HBTW is looking forward to the Best Pavlova I have ever seen. Not to be repeated for a while. But that’s what holidays are all about.

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Double oven

Not such a pretty picture today – however, it is practical, sleek and shiny – and even better, it fits into the slot left by the old oven. I have to confess that I am not the cook in our … Continue reading

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April again

Aha! So the Birthday Month is over; and what has been the non-treat of the day? – Going to the dentist. This was only my fourth or fifth visit to this new dentist since the trusted and faithful practitioner retired.  At … Continue reading

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A rainy day

The Birthday Month is passing very quickly, so I need to remember to take advantage of it. The trouble is that with HBTW still poorly, we can’t manage to get out for treats. However, something good has come out of … Continue reading

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