Tag Archives: Spring

Hard Winter and Spring

Here is the sign of a hard spring – the deer are constantly foraging around the house, and they are still coming into the garden. Misty is very funny, she growls and rumbles low in her throat and quivers with … Continue reading

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Spring is springing

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Three snowdrops, five crocus/es/i – all in places too awkward places to photograph. Unmistakeably signs of an approaching spring. Let us not dwell on the possibility that it won’t actually happen for another two months.

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Where did spring go?

Came home today after a couple of days away visiting friends. Something had happened in Dalamory whilst we were absent: spring had never come and the summer arrived. So we had a barbecue. And very good it was too.

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Spring at last

Misty had her first paddle in the river; there are wood anemones in flower under the trees; a pair of blue-tits have set up house in the newly re-erected bird-box; and I was enticed out into the garden for an … Continue reading

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Reading the signs

Signs of spring today: snowdrops, crocuses (or croci), glimpses of the sun, birds a-singing, an oyster-catcher returned from hiding away……. and most definitive of all? Motor cyclists en force on the roads of Argyll.

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