The life and thoughts of Freda Marshall, a retired Church of Scotland minister living amongst the mountains and glens of Argyll.Pages
Tag Archives: weight
A December Tale
Picture the scene ……… A dull December day with mist on the hilltops and smirry rain in the glen. A house bright with the sounds of laughter and an inquisitive little dog. What’s going on? The Oldies have decided to … Continue reading
Wii Fit update
Things are looking up. I got cross at the Wii Fit’s predictions re age etc yesterday, so deleted all the information and started again. This time I was “aged” as 43. Now why did it immediately make me … Continue reading
Signs of my times
Here is a flavour of the last 24hrs 38 emails in the inbox Called my motor insurers – 19mins 10secs till I got to speak to a real person Discovered I am not yet an “older person.” That is a … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Uncategorized
Tagged cats, haircut, Older person, politics, weight, writing
Slimming club
Slimming Club was a success last night. I am now officially back to my pre-Christmas weight. Makes me wonder why I succumbed to all the Christmas cake and goodies though.